Peled, Dr. Natalia
Born in Russia 1909
Immigrated to Palestine 1936
Died Tel Aviv 1979
With her husband Dov, were among the first to work with children
In the Institute there is a library donated on their name
Dov and Natalya Peled were born in Russia in 1909.
dov immigrated to Palestine in 1912 to Jaffa.
Both leaned psychology in the Sorbon and both did their psychoanalytic training in Paris.
Natalya was in analysis with Marie Bonaparte and Dov with Rene Spitz.
They came to Palestine in 1936 and lived in Tel Aviv.
In 1937 their daughter Noa was born.
They both worked with children and were among the first to do psychotherapeutic and psychoanalytic work with children.
Natalya worked with children, adolescents and adults, most of her professional life was in therapy. Dov worked most his life in the public sector.
Natalya worked with the children of the Kibutz movement, where the awareness to the need for treatment was much higher at the time. as well as the ability to pay for treatment.
In later years she worked mainly with adults.
She was active all her life in the psychoanalytic institute where she taught and supervised young analysts.
She died all of a sudden at the age of 70.