Moses, Prof. Rafael
Born: Berlin 1924
Immigrated to Palestine: 1937
Died in Jerusalem: 2001
President of Israel Psychoanalytic Society 1971-1977
Chair of Training committee 1981-1986
Recipient of the Sigourney Award, 1966
Doctor of Medicine, University Zurich, Switzerland, 1951.
Resident Yale University Medical School, New Haven, 1954-1957. Associate professor Hadassa Medical School, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, 1957-1968, 76-78. Senior lecturer Albert Einstein Medical School, New York City, 1964-1965.
Professor, chairman department behavioral science Ben gurion University of Negev, Beer Sheba, Israel, 1974-1976. Medical director Ezrat Nash Psychiatric Hospital, Jerusalem, 1976-1978, Summit Institute, Jerusalem, 1977-1987. Freud professor psychoanalysis Hebrew University, 1987-1988.
Scholar in residence Austen Riggs Hospital, Stockbridge, Massachusetts, 1988-1989. Training analyst Israel Institute Psychoanalysis, 1971. Visiting scientist National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1965-1966.
Consultant Israel Adoption Service, 1968-1998. Private practice, teacher Psychoanal. Institute; staff member International Association Group Analysis, Center Europe, since 1989.
Member site visiting committee Czech Psychoanal. State Group, 1994-1999. Teacher Izmir University Medical School, Turkey, since 1998.
Co-editor: Psychological Basis of War, 1973, (in German) Meaning of the Holocaust for Those Not Directly Affected, 1992. Editor: Persistent Shadows of the Holocaust, 1992, Political Process of Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1993, (with L. Rangell) Book in his honor: Psychoanalysis at the political border, 1994, Psychoanalysis in Israel, 1998. Collaborator: Grief and Grievance, The Assimilation of Yitzhak Rabin, 2000.
Contributor numerous articles to professional publications.
Member Committee on Pornography, Jerusalem, 1968-1969, Committee on Adoption, Jerusalem, 1977-1979. Lieutenant Medical Corps Israel Defense Forces. Member Israel Psychoanalytic Society (science secretary 1968-1972, president 1973-1977, chairman training committee 1977-1981, chairman ethics committee since 1997), International Psychoanalytic Association (associate secretary 1977-1981), Israel Society Study Group and Organization (founding member), International Society Study Groups and Organizations.
The Sigourney award recommendation:
Rafael Moses has distinguished himself in the application of psychoanalytic theory to the study of prejudice and intergroup conflict. His contributions to the studies of the intergenerational effects of the Holocaust and the psychodynamic dimension of the Arab-Israeli conflict are scholarly openings of new fields of psychoanalytic inquiry. He is also a revered teacher and active contributor to the European psychoanalytic scene.
Dr. Moses has been an early pioneer of the application of psychoanalytic ideas to long-term political conflicts. Since the 1960s he has been actively involved in thinking and writing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and about the unconscious aspects of all social conflicts. His work evidences an immense curiosity about political leadership and political processes with a sensitivity to the plight of common citizens who are often victims of leaders and processes beyond their control.
In a 1998 book Psychoanalysis at the Political Border: Essays in Honor of Rafael Moses, the editors Leo Rangel and Rena Moses-Hrushovski, created an eloquent tribute to Dr. Moses. They collected and arranged the essays to emphasize the full range of psychoanalytic interest, from problems of individual psychology to some of the most urgent and compelling issues which confront groups and nations.
Prof. Shmuel Erlich’s Eulogy
When Reena asked me if I would be able to speak here, she added, in her usual way, “Only if it comes easily for you.” Well, it does not come easily for me. Not because I don’t have anything to say, but because for me Rafael is not associated in any way with death. Rafael was many things for many people, but one thing stood out beyond anything else: He was a force of life. A quiet force, contained, inner; a force that emanated out of him towards the outside, towards those around him. Fortitude and solidity characterized him, sober thought and clarity of vision in places that are prone to going astray; like a lighthouse – a “tower of light” – clarity that cuts through the fogginess of murkiness and loss of direction. In such places – of doubts and floundering – we would turn to Rafael for consultation, for conversation and exchange, and bringing the issues before him always helped to clarify them. In all these, Rafael, you will be sorely missed.
But not only clarity and decisiveness characterized Rafael. Also courage. This attribute was especially prominent when, several years ago, he came down with a serious illness. At a specific moment, even though the signs of illness were visible to all, he appeared in our midst, in the course of a conference, as if nothing was the matter – he did not want any special acknowledgment or sympathy, but he also did not hide at home.
Professor Rafael Moses received a great deal of recognition and appreciation in the course of his life. He wrote and published a great deal. For many years he was the person known abroad by anyone interested in being in contact with Israel in the area of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy and the dynamic treatment of people in distress or suffering of mental illness. He was the acknowledged source of information and the scholarly authority. He was also among the first to receive academic recognition and the title of professor. His connections and standing were in the front line in Israel and abroad: he served as President of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society, and as Vice President of the International Psychoanalytic Association. In both organizations he was fully active, lively and vigorous to the last moment. Rafael Moses was also the first from Israel to occupy the Sigmund Freud Chair of Psychoanalysis at the Hebrew University and to serve as the Erikson Scholar at the Austen Riggs Center in the USA.
I want to focus for a moment on your last project, Rafael, in the Israel Psychoanalytic Society. For many years our Society did not have an Ethics Committee or an Ethics Code. When we finally got around to filling this gap, the choice was natural and self-evident: we turned to you, Rafael, to take on this role. Who beside you could be a moral authority, and at the same time a person who is above and beyond personal controversies and petty quarrels. And indeed, you took this role on, and together with your colleagues in the committee created the Society’s Ethics Code and Bylaws and began to implement them.
My personal acquaintance with Rafael was built in the course of many years of joint work and personal friendship. Together with a handful of colleagues we founded the Israel Association for the Study of Group and Organizational Processes, which today is a thriving organization named “OFEK – Organization, Person, Group,” with many dozens of members in Israel and abroad. It is certainly not accidental that Rafael was one of the founders and pioneers of OFEK. The psychoanalytic identity was for him on one hand an identity which observes meticulously the rules of behavior and treatment appropriate to understanding the internal, private and covert world. But in addition to this, it was for him also the royal road for observing, understanding and acting in the world we live in, the social and real world, the world of “person to person”, in which actual people act and do to one another. Not just to observe, but also to intervene and act in the way he fully believed in. This identity found expression in proliferous writing on political and applied subjects that grew out of his psychoanalytic understanding, an area he developed and was occupied with a great deal in recent years, as well as in encounters with neighbors and enemies. His work in this area encompasses the withdrawal from the Sinai, the treatment of post traumatic soldiers in the Yom Kippur War, and dialogue with Palestinians.
I want to end with one of the most important collaborative projects that stemmed from this activity and is an expression of Rafael’s personal identity in all its variety of components. As you know, Rafael was born in Germany and arrived in Israel in his late childhood. He steadfastly and consistently embraced his Israeli identity, but he also knew that his German-Jewish component was dear and valuable. His activity and contribution in this area grew out of this commitment. It started with the international conference he organized in 1987 during his tenure in the Freud Chair, under the title: “The meaning of the Holocaust for those not directly affected by it.” It was the first time that German psychoanalysts came to Israel and met with first and second generation victims and offspring of the Holocaust in what was an intense and difficult encounter, but also a productive and fruitful one. This conference was also one of the catalysts that led to the series of conferences we created together, of German and Israeli analysts and psychotherapists, in which Rafael played a significant and personal part. The last conference in Bad Segeberg, Germany, was the last time we worked together in the closeness and self-revelation that is made possible by these conferences. It was after Rafael mastered his illness, and he absolutely blossomed – he was full of life and vigor and his presence was full and contributing. Rafael also had a very substantial contribution as one of the editors of the book that is coming out about these conferences, in which he was also active to the last moment.
For me, these conferences symbolize more than anything else the different trajectories that came together in Rafael, which he combined and integrated in his personality into a single impressive composite: the psychoanalytic, the socio-dynamic, and the political-organizational.
I am sad, Rafael, that you left us so suddenly. You will be sorely missed by me, by Reena, by your family and by all of us.
May you rest in peace.
In a 1998 book Psychoanalysis at the Political Border: Essays in Honor of Rafael Moses, the editors Leo Rangel and Rena Moses-Hrushovski, created an eloquent tribute to Dr. Moses. They collected and arranged the essays to emphasize the full range of psychoanalytic interest, from problems of individual psychology to some of the most urgent and compelling issues which confront groups and nations.
Moses, R. (1983). A fifty year span: Some reflections on Israelis and Germans. Isr. J. Psychiatry, 20:155-168. [→]
Moses, R. (1993). Persistent shadows of the holocaust: The meaning to those not directly affected. Madison, Conn, Int. Univers. Press.
Moses, R. & Eickhoff, F.-W. (Eds.) (1992). Die Bedeutung des Holocaust fuer nicht direkt Betroffene, Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse, Beiheft 14. Stuttgart Bad-Canstatt, Fromann-Holzboog.
Moses, R., & Cohen E. (1984). Understanding and treatment of combat neuroses: The Israeli experience. In H. J. Schwartz (ed.) Psychotherapy of the Combat Veteran, (pp. 269-303). New York, SP Medical & Scientific Books.
Moses, R. (1968). Form and Content—An Ego-Psychological View. Psychoanal. St. Child, 23:204-223.[…]
Moses, R. (1978). Address of Welcome, Jerusalem Congress. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:3-4. […]
Moses, R. (1978). Adult Psychic Trauma: The Question of Early Predisposition and Some Detailed Mechanisms. Int. J. Psycho-Anal., 59:353-363. […]
Moses, R. (1982). The Group Self and the Arab–Israeli Conflict. Int. R. Psycho-Anal., 9:55-64. […]
Moses, R. (1988). Verleugnung bei nicht-psychotischen Erwachsenen. Eine Diskussion ihrer funktionalen und dysfunktionalen Aspekte. Psyche – Z Psychoanal., 42:753-768. […]
Moses, R., Hrushovski-Moses, R. (1986). A Form of Group Denial at the Hamburg Congress. Int. R. Psycho-Anal., 13:175-180. […]
Moses, R., Moses-Hrushovski, R. (1990). Reflections on the Sense of Entitlement. Psychoanal. St. Child, 45:61-78. […]
Moses, R.H., Moses, R. (1986). Steps in Self Development. Psychoanal. St. Child, 41:491-513. […]