Requirements for applying for psychoanalytic training

In order to apply for psychoanalytic training you must meet the following requirements:


    1. The following professionals with a recognized license in Israel, can apply for candidacy in psychoanalysis:

Board certified psychiatrists (‘Shlav Bet’), certified psychologists licensed to practice psychotherapy with adult patients, social workers with a therapeutic MA degree and art therapists (with a MA degree from a recognized academic institution).

    1. Requirements at the time of application:

– At least five years of work experience in psychodynamic psychotherapy under supervision (after completing a MA degree in a therapeutic profession or medical internship).

Work experience needs to include:

      1. Working with adult patients.
      2. Conducting long term therapies (of at least two years duration).
      3. Experience in intensive treatments of more than once a week under supervision.

– Work experience of at least one year in a therapeutic work setting where treatments are given to patients with severe and diverse forms of pathologies (including psychoses, borderline conditions etc). The work setting should include staff meetings with multiple professionals, case discussions, seminars, personal and group supervision.

– It is expected that applicants will have experience in studying and training in psychoanalytic theoretical thinking and topics, and have participated in group supervision or clinical seminars for at least three academic years. Studying may take place in either one setting (such as a psychoanalytic-psychotherapy training program) or in several diverse cumulative programs.

– The applicant needs to have been in personal psychoanalysis at least three times a week, for at least a year at the time of application, or at least two years in the past ten years. This requirement is based upon the notion that it is important to have personal experience with psychoanalysis as a treatment method.