Tadmor, Dr. Gad
Born in Ukraine in 1921
Immigrated with his family to Palestine in 1923
Died in 1991
The family lived in Lod, latter moved to Petack Tikva and to Tel Aviv.
During the British Mandate Gad served in the Police (Gafir unit) and in Ein Hamifratz.
He studied in Tachkemoni elementary school and In Gimnasia Hertzelia.
Graduated from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Where he majored inEducation, philosophy and psychology under the guidance of Prof. Bon Avantura who was killed in the convoy to Mt. Scopus.
Un 1948 fought during the independence war, when the situation was a bit quieter her moved to the psychology unit of the air force. At this time he started his analysis with Prof. Wullf, later with Prof. Jaffe and Dr. Barag.
Since the beginning of his academic education it was clear to him that he wants to become an analyst, so he started to study medicine in Freiburg, Switzerland, where he graduated in Geneva in 1956. He did an internship stage at the Albert Einstein Hospital in NYC.
Back to Israel he started to work at the Beer yack Mental hospital and in the Army. Later to be appointed to the head of the mental health clinic of the army in Tel Hashomer and then the chief psychiatrist of theMedical Corps. In this role he served till his retirement.
Gad was very active in the Psychoanlytic Society as a member, teacher, analysts and supervisor.
He was the Director of the Institute 1985-1990.
Gad loved his family and children. He loved people.
Read literature and poetry and published several poetry books under the pseudo-name of “Gad Aviasaff”.
Gad painted and listen to music and loved animal and birds.
A Painting by Dr. Gad Tadmor