Eichler, Dr. Myron
Immigrated to Israel 1973
Died Jerusalem 1981
.Mayron Eichler was born in the US in 1929 as one of twin brothers
He grew up in Baltimore where he studied medicine. Served two years as a Captain and physician in the US army. following which he turned to psychiatry and in parallel to that started his psychoanalytic training. He graduated both the adult and child and adolescent training.
In 1973 he came to Israel and settled in Jerusalem with his wife and 3 daughters. A sort time latter the Yom Kipur war started and he volunteered to serve on teams that went to the families to announce their bereavement.
He started to work in Ezrat Nashim hospital.
His commend in Hebrew, earned in Jewish studies in his childhood, helped his fast absorption.
He was immediately accepted to the Psychoanalytic society (IPS). Saw patients and joined the faculty of the Institute, especially in the psychotherapy course which he ran.
At the same time he was appointed to be the district psychiatrist and ran one of the mental health governmental outpatients clinics.
Eichler published psychoanalytic papers in in American and international journals.
Art was another area close to his heart apart from the profession. He used to knit hats for soldiers even behind the couch, explaining that it does not interfere with the psychoanalytic process with the patient.
He did artistic embroidery and his works of art are kept in the Museum of Jewish art in NY.
Despite an hearing deficit he loved classical music and spent a lot of time hearing it.
He did not stay too long with us, in 1981 he died from a malignant melanoma, a disease that ended his twin brother too one year latter.
In the Society and Institute in Jerusalem we have a memory of a serious, humble and beloved person.
Uri Lowental